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Add projects section

Ethan Reece 2023-06-02 13:25:17 -05:00
parent 7f90bc9445
commit a8005943f5
Signed by: me
GPG Key ID: D3993665FF92E1C3
9 changed files with 87 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -13,9 +13,13 @@ const links = [
class="max-h-navbar-h bg-background-light px-screen-x py-screen-y opacity-80"
<ul role="list" class="flex w-full space-x-screen-x whitespace-nowrap">
<a href="/" rel="prefetch"><b>{homeText}</b></a>
<li class="w-full"></li>
class="flex w-full items-center space-x-screen-x whitespace-nowrap font-normal"
<a href="/" rel="prefetch" class="mr-auto text-[1.25rem] font-bold"
{ => <a href={}>{link.text}</a>)}

View File

@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ slug: 'about'
background: true
I am a incoming sophomore at the University of Texas at Dallas who loves programming and tech in general. Although web development and web hosting are my main interests, I enjoy branching out and exploring other ways to work with technology and create things.
I am an incoming sophomore at the University of Texas at Dallas who loves programming and tech in general. Although web development and web hosting are my main interests, I enjoy branching out and exploring other ways to work with technology and create things.

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ const imageAlt = 'black and white portrait of myself'
<section class={`w-full ${viewHeight} ${padding}`}>
<div class={`mx-auto h-full flex items-center max-w-page-w`}>
<div class="mx-auto flex h-full max-w-page-w items-center">
<h1 class={`font-medium ${textMainSize}`}>
><b><u>{text[0]}</u></b><span class="text-font-light"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
layout: './Section.astro'
title: 'Projects'
slug: 'projects'
background: false
import Subsection from './Subsection.astro'
My biggest personal project so far is building a server to self-host my cloud ecosystem. My server uses a Proxmox hypervisor along with Linux Debian VMs and Docker containers running services such as TrueNAS, Syncthing, Nextcloud, Plex, Forejo, Pterodactyl, and others. To get around carrier-grade NAT limitations, I host a VPN using Google Cloud and use nftables to route traffic so I can make services publicly accessible.
I also have other projects viewable on multiple git platforms (Github, Forgejo), most of which came from hackathons, game jams, and school projects. Of these, the most interesting are:
<Subsection title="GroceRead (HackAI UTD 2023)">
Android app intended to help visually-impaired people navigate grocery
stores by telling the user the product the phone camera is pointed at. Uses
Chooch API for object detection.
<Subsection title="zzzz (Axxess UTD 2023)">
Educational chatbot that teaches body part terminology and suggests others
for the user to learn about. Wrote the API layer of the backend using
Django, and created most of the frontend using React.
<Subsection title="Score Tracker (HS senior project)">
Web app that allows coaches of HS sports teams to submit game scores. Scores
would then be publicly viewable on the app's homepage and could be managed
through an admin interface. Created with Express.js, PostgreSQL, and vanilla
JavaScript for frontend. This was my first personal web project developed
from scratch.
Some other projects and activities I have worked on include Med Check (MetroHacks 2022), zzz (UTD SGDA 2023 Spring Jam), zzz (UTD SGDA 2022 Thanksgiving Jam), ZipVersionControl (FLL #1790, yrs 2017-2019), FIRST Tech Challenge roboics (2021-2022), and FIRST Lego League robotics (2013-2019, #1790).

View File

@ -14,20 +14,20 @@ const fontSizeH2 = 'text-[1.5rem]'
const paddingX = 'px-[1rem]'
const paddingT = 'pt-[1.5rem]'
const paddingB = 'pb-[2.5rem]'
const spacing = 'pb-[.5rem]'
const anchorDistance = 'mt-[-5rem] pt-[5rem]'
class={`${paddingX} ${paddingT} ${paddingB} ${fontSize} ${
frontmatter.background ? 'bg-background-dark' : ''
<div class={`mx-auto max-w-page-w`}>
<h2 class={`font-bold ${spacing} ${fontSizeH2}`}>
<slot />
<div class={anchorDistance} id={frontmatter.slug}>
<div class={`mx-auto max-w-page-w space-y-paragraph`}>
<h2 class={`font-bold ${fontSizeH2}`}>
<slot />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
export interface Props {
title: string
url: string | null
const { title, url } = Astro.props
const fontSize = 'text-[.9rem]'
const fontSizeH3 = 'text-[1.4rem]'
const margin = 'm-[-1rem] p-[1rem]'
const background = 'bg-[#00000020]'
const backgroundHover = 'hover:bg-[#000000cc]'
const textColorHover = 'hover:text-[#ffffff]'
class={`block rounded ${
url && `${textColorHover} ${backgroundHover}`
} ${fontSize} ${margin} ${background}`}
<div class={`mx-auto max-w-page-w space-y-paragraph`}>
<h3 class={`font-bold ${fontSizeH3}`}>
<slot />

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import '@fontsource-variable/jetbrains-mono'
<Head title={title} description={description}>
<SEO title={title} description={description} />
<body class="min-h-screen w-screen font-main text-font">
<body class="min-h-screen w-screen font-main font-light text-font">
<Navbar />
<main class="pt-navbar-h">

View File

@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ const pattern = 'heropattern-circuitboard-pattern'
<div class="bg-background">
<div class={`h-full min-h-screen w-full bg-contain bg-repeat ${pattern}`}>
class={`h-full min-h-screen w-full bg-circuitboard bg-repeat ${pattern}`}
<slot />

View File

@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ module.exports = {
backgroundSize: {
contain: 'contain',
circuitboard: '40rem',
spacing: {
'screen-x': '2rem',
'screen-y': '1rem',
'navbar-h': '4rem',
paragraph: '1rem',
maxWidth: {
'page-w': '45rem',