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import: Add hackage importer.

* guix/import/hackage.scm: New file.
* tests/hackage.scm: New file.
Federico Beffa 2015-03-08 07:48:38 +01:00
parent 863af4e121
commit b29455cfe7
2 changed files with 901 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2015 Federico Beffa <>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <>.
(define-module (guix import hackage)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 regex)
#:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
#:use-module (ice-9 receive)
#:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module ((guix download) #:select (download-to-store))
#:use-module ((guix utils) #:select (package-name->name+version))
#:use-module (guix import utils)
#:use-module (guix store)
#:use-module (guix hash)
#:use-module (guix base32)
#:use-module ((guix utils) #:select (call-with-temporary-output-file))
#:export (hackage->guix-package))
;; Part 1:
;; Functions used to read a Cabal file.
(define ghc-standard-libraries
;; List of libraries distributed with ghc (7.8.4). We include GHC itself as
;; some packages list it.
(define package-name-prefix "ghc-")
(define key-value-rx
;; Regular expression matching "key: value"
(make-regexp "([a-zA-Z0-9-]+):[ \t]*(\\w?.*)$"))
(define sections-rx
;; Regular expression matching a section "head sub-head ..."
(make-regexp "([a-zA-Z0-9\\(\\)-]+)"))
(define comment-rx
;; Regexp matching Cabal comment lines.
(make-regexp "^ *--"))
(define (has-key? line)
"Check if LINE includes a key."
(regexp-exec key-value-rx line))
(define (comment-line? line)
"Check if LINE is a comment line."
(regexp-exec comment-rx line))
(define (line-indentation+rest line)
"Returns two results: The number of indentation spaces and the rest of the
line (without indentation)."
(let loop ((line-lst (string->list line))
(count 0))
;; Sometimes values are spread over multiple lines and new lines start
;; with a comma ',' with the wrong indentation. See e.g. haddock-api.
(if (or (null? line-lst)
(not (or
(eqv? (first line-lst) #\space)
(eqv? (first line-lst) #\,) ; see, e.g., haddock-api.cabal
(eqv? (first line-lst) #\tab))))
(values count (list->string line-lst))
(loop (cdr line-lst) (+ count 1)))))
(define (multi-line-value lines seed)
"Function to read a value split across multiple lines. LINES are the
remaining input lines to be read. SEED is the value read on the same line as
the key. Return two values: A list with values and the remaining lines to be
(define (multi-line-value-with-min-indent lines seed min-indent)
(if (null? lines)
(values '() '())
(let-values (((current-indent value) (line-indentation+rest (first lines)))
((next-line-indent next-line-value)
(if (null? (cdr lines))
(values #f "")
(line-indentation+rest (second lines)))))
(if (or (not next-line-indent) (< next-line-indent min-indent)
(regexp-exec condition-rx next-line-value))
(values (reverse (cons value seed)) (cdr lines))
(multi-line-value-with-min-indent (cdr lines) (cons value seed)
(let-values (((current-indent value) (line-indentation+rest (first lines))))
(multi-line-value-with-min-indent lines seed current-indent)))
(define (read-cabal port)
"Parses a Cabal file from PORT. Return a list of list pairs:
(((head1 sub-head1 ... key1) (value))
((head2 sub-head2 ... key2) (value2))
We try do deduce the Cabal format from the following document:
Keys are case-insensitive. We therefore lowercase them. Values are
case-sensitive. Currently only indentation-structured files are parsed.
Braces structured files are not handled." ;" <- make emacs happy.
(define (read-and-trim-line port)
(let ((line (read-line port)))
(if (string? line)
(string-trim-both line #\return)
(define (strip-insignificant-lines port)
(let loop ((line (read-and-trim-line port))
(result '()))
((eof-object? line)
(reverse result))
((or (string-null? line) (comment-line? line))
(loop (read-and-trim-line port) result))
(loop (read-and-trim-line port) (cons line result))))))
(let loop
((lines (strip-insignificant-lines port))
(indents '()) ; only includes indents at start of section heads.
(sections '())
(result '()))
(((current-indent line)
(if (null? lines)
(values 0 "")
(line-indentation+rest (first lines))))
((next-line-indent next-line)
(if (or (null? lines) (null? (cdr lines)))
(values 0 "")
(line-indentation+rest (second lines)))))
(if (null? lines)
(reverse result)
(let ((rx-result (has-key? line)))
(let ((key (string-downcase (match:substring rx-result 1)))
(value (match:substring rx-result 2)))
;; Simple single line "key: value".
((= next-line-indent current-indent)
(loop (cdr lines) indents sections
(list (reverse (cons key sections)) (list value))
;; Multi line "key: value\n value cont...".
((> next-line-indent current-indent)
(let*-values (((value-lst lines)
(multi-line-value (cdr lines)
(if (string-null? value)
;; multi-line-value returns to the first line after the
;; multi-value.
(loop lines indents sections
(list (reverse (cons key sections)) value-lst)
;; Section ended.
;; Indentation is reduced. Check by how many levels.
(let* ((idx (and=> (list-index
(lambda (x) (= next-line-indent x))
(cut + <>
(if (has-key? next-line) 1 0))))
(if idx
(drop sections idx)
(message "unable to parse Cabal file"))))))
(ind (drop indents idx)))
(loop (cdr lines) ind sec
(list (reverse (cons key sections)) (list value))
;; Start of a new section.
((or (null? indents)
(> current-indent (first indents)))
(loop (cdr lines) (cons current-indent indents)
(cons (string-downcase line) sections) result))
(loop (cdr lines) indents
(cons (string-downcase line) (cdr sections))
(define condition-rx
;; Regexp for conditionals.
(make-regexp "^if +(.*)$"))
(define (split-section section)
"Split SECTION in individual words with exception for the predicate of an
'if' conditional."
(let ((rx-result (regexp-exec condition-rx section)))
(if rx-result
`("if" ,(match:substring rx-result 1))
(map match:substring (list-matches sections-rx section)))))
(define (join-sections sec1 sec2)
(fold-right cons sec2 sec1))
(define (pre-process-keys key)
(match key
(() '())
((sec1 rest ...)
(join-sections (split-section sec1) (pre-process-keys rest)))))
(define (pre-process-entry-keys entry)
(match entry
((key value)
(list (pre-process-keys key) value))
(() '())))
(define (pre-process-entries-keys entries)
"ENTRIES is a list of list pairs, a keys list and a valules list, as
produced by 'read-cabal'. Split each element of the keys list into individual
words. This pre-processing is used to read flags."
(match entries
((entry rest ...)
(cons (pre-process-entry-keys entry)
(pre-process-entries-keys rest)))
(define (get-flags pre-processed-entries)
"PRE-PROCESSED-ENTRIES is a list of list pairs, a keys list and a values
list, as produced by 'read-cabal' and pre-processed by
'pre-process-entries-keys'. Return a list of pairs with the name of flags and
their default value (one of \"False\" or \"True\") as specified in the Cabal file:
((\"flag1-name\" . \"False-or-True\") ...)." ;" <- make emacs happy
(match pre-processed-entries
(() '())
(((("flag" flag-name "default") (flag-val)) rest ...)
(cons (cons flag-name flag-val)
(get-flags rest)))
((entry rest ... )
(get-flags rest))
(_ #f)))
;; Part 2:
;; Functions to read information from the Cabal object created by 'read-cabal'
;; and convert Cabal format dependencies conditionals into equivalent
;; S-expressions.
(define tests-rx
;; Cabal test keywords
(make-regexp "(os|arch|flag|impl) *\\(([ a-zA-Z0-9_.<>=-]+)\\)"))
(define parens-rx
;; Parentheses within conditions
(make-regexp "\\((.+)\\)"))
(define or-rx
;; OR operator in conditions
(make-regexp " +\\|\\| +"))
(define and-rx
;; AND operator in conditions
(make-regexp " +&& +"))
(define not-rx
;; NOT operator in conditions
(make-regexp "^!.+"))
(define (bi-op-args str match-lst)
"Return a list with the arguments of (logic) bianry operators. MATCH-LST
is the result of 'list-match' against a binary operator regexp on STR."
(let ((operators (length match-lst)))
(map (lambda (from to)
(substring str from to))
(cons 0 (map match:end match-lst))
(append (map match:start match-lst) (list (string-length str))))))
(define (bi-op->sexp-like bi-op args)
"BI-OP is a string with the name of a Scheme operator which in a Cabal file
is represented by a binary operator. ARGS are the arguments of said operator.
Return a string representing an S-expression of the operator applied to its
(if (= (length args) 1)
(first args)
(string-append "(" bi-op
(fold (lambda (arg seed) (string-append seed " " arg))
"" args) ")")))
(define (not->sexp-like arg)
"If the string ARG is prefixed by a Cabal negation operator, convert it to
an equivalent Scheme S-expression string."
(if (regexp-exec not-rx arg)
(string-append "(not "
(substring arg 1 (string-length arg))
(define (parens-less-cond->sexp-like conditional)
"Convert a Cabal CONDITIONAL string into a string with equivalent Scheme
syntax. This procedure accepts only simple conditionals without parentheses."
;; The outher operation is the one with the lowest priority: OR
;; each OR argument may be an AND operation
(map (lambda (or-arg)
(let ((m-lst (list-matches and-rx or-arg)))
;; is there an AND operation?
(if (> (length m-lst) 0)
;; expand NOT operators when there are ANDs
(map not->sexp-like (bi-op-args or-arg m-lst)))
;; ... and when there aren't.
(not->sexp-like or-arg))))
;; list of OR arguments
(bi-op-args conditional (list-matches or-rx conditional)))))
(define test-keyword-ornament "__")
(define (conditional->sexp-like conditional)
"Convert a Cabal CONDITIONAL string into a string with equivalent Scheme
;; First we substitute TEST-KEYWORD-ORNAMENT for parentheses around tests
;; keywords so that parentheses are only used to set precedences. This
;; substantially simplify parsing.
(let ((conditional
(regexp-substitute/global #f tests-rx conditional
'pre 1 test-keyword-ornament 2
test-keyword-ornament 'post)))
(let loop ((sub-cond conditional))
(let ((rx-result (regexp-exec parens-rx sub-cond)))
(match:prefix rx-result)
(loop (match:substring rx-result 1))
(match:suffix rx-result))))
(parens-less-cond->sexp-like sub-cond)))))))
(define (eval-flags sexp-like-cond flags)
"SEXP-LIKE-COND is a string representing an S-expression conditional. FLAGS
is a list of flag name and value pairs as produced by 'get-flags'. Substitute
\"#t\" or \"#f\" according to the value of flags. (Default to \"True\")."
(lambda (flag sexp)
(match flag
((name . value)
(let ((rx (make-regexp
(string-append "flag" test-keyword-ornament name
#f rx sexp
'pre (if (string-ci= value "False") "#f" "#t") 'post)))
(_ sexp)))
(cons '("[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+" . "True") flags)))
(define (eval-tests->sexp sexp-like-cond)
"In the string SEXP-LIKE-COND substitute test keywords \"os(...)\" and
\"arch(...)\" with equivalent Scheme checks. Retrun an S-expression."
(lambda (test sexp)
(match test
((type pre-match post-match)
(let ((rx (make-regexp
(string-append type test-keyword-ornament "(\\w+)"
#f rx sexp
'pre pre-match 2 post-match 'post)))
(_ sexp)))
;; (%current-system) returns, e.g., "x86_64-linux" or "i686-linux".
'(("(os|arch)" "(string-match \"" "\" (%current-system))")))
(define (eval-impl sexp-like-cond)
"Check for the Cabal test \"impl(...)\" in the string SEXP-LIKE-COND.
Assume the module declaring the generated package includes a local variable
called \"haskell-implementation\" with a string value of the form NAME-VERSION
against which we compare."
(lambda ()
(lambda (test sexp)
(match test
((pre-match post-match)
(let ((rx-with-version
"impl" test-keyword-ornament
"([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+) *([<>=]+) *([0-9.]+) *"
(string-append "impl" test-keyword-ornament "(\\w+)"
(if (regexp-exec rx-with-version sexp)
#f rx-with-version sexp
'pre pre-match 2 " " post-match " \"" 1 "-" 3 "\")" 'post)
#f rx-without-version sexp
'pre pre-match "-match \"" 1 "\" " post-match ")" 'post))))
(_ sexp)))
'(("(string" "haskell-implementation")))
(define (eval-cabal-keywords sexp-like-cond flags)
((compose eval-tests->sexp eval-impl (cut eval-flags <> flags))
(define (key->values meta key)
"META is the representation of a Cabal file as produced by 'read-cabal'.
Return the list of values associated with a specific KEY (a string)."
(match meta
(() '())
(((((? (lambda(x) (equal? x key)))) v) r ...)
(((k v) r ...)
(key->values (cdr meta) key))
(_ "key Not fount")))
(define (key-start-end->entries meta key-start-rx key-end-rx)
"META is the representation of a Cabal file as produced by 'read-cabal'.
Return all entries whose keys list starts with KEY-START and ends with
(let ((pred
(lambda (x)
(and (regexp-exec key-start-rx (first x))
(regexp-exec key-end-rx (last x))))))
;; (equal? (list key-start key-end) (list (first x) (last x))))))
(match meta
(() '())
((((? pred k) v) r ...)
(cons `(,k ,v)
(key-start-end->entries (cdr meta) key-start-rx key-end-rx)))
(((k v) r ...)
(key-start-end->entries (cdr meta) key-start-rx key-end-rx))
(_ "key Not fount"))))
(define else-rx
(make-regexp "^else$"))
(define (count-if-else rx-result-ls)
(apply + (map (lambda (m) (if m 1 0)) rx-result-ls)))
(define (analyze-entry-cond entry)
(let* ((keys (first entry))
(vals (second entry))
(map (cut regexp-exec condition-rx <>) keys))
(map (cut regexp-exec else-rx <>) keys))
(cond-no (count-if-else rx-cond-result))
(else-no (count-if-else rx-else-result))
(cond-idx (list-index (lambda (rx) (if rx #t #f)) rx-cond-result))
(else-idx (list-index (lambda (rx) (if rx #t #f)) rx-else-result))
((or (and cond-idx else-idx (< cond-idx else-idx))
(and cond-idx (not else-idx)))
(receive (head tail)
(split-at rx-cond-result cond-idx) (first tail))))
((or (and cond-idx else-idx (> cond-idx else-idx))
(and (not cond-idx) else-idx))
(receive (head tail)
(split-at rx-else-result else-idx) (first tail))))
(values keys vals rx-cond-result
rx-else-result cond-no else-no key-cond)))
(define (remove-cond entry cond)
(match entry
((k v)
(list (cdr (member cond k)) v))))
(define (group-and-reduce-level entries group group-cond)
(let loop
((true-group group)
(false-group '())
(entries entries))
(if (null? entries)
(values (reverse true-group) (reverse false-group) entries)
(let*-values (((entry) (first entries))
((keys vals rx-cond-result rx-else-result
cond-no else-no key-cond)
(analyze-entry-cond entry)))
((and (>= (+ cond-no else-no) 1) (string= group-cond key-cond))
(loop (cons (remove-cond entry group-cond) true-group) false-group
(cdr entries)))
((and (>= (+ cond-no else-no) 1) (string= key-cond "else"))
(loop true-group (cons (remove-cond entry "else") false-group)
(cdr entries)))
(values (reverse true-group) (reverse false-group) entries)))))))
(define dependencies-rx
(make-regexp "([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+) *[^,]*,?"))
(define (hackage-name->package-name name)
(if (string-prefix? package-name-prefix name)
(string-downcase name)
(string-append package-name-prefix (string-downcase name))))
(define (split-and-filter-dependencies ls names-to-filter)
"Split the comma separated list of dependencies LS coming from the Cabal
file, filter packages included in NAMES-TO-FILTER and return a list with
inputs suitable for the Guix package. Currently the version information is
(define (split-at-comma-and-filter d)
(lambda (m seed)
(let* ((name (string-downcase (match:substring m 1)))
(pkg-name (hackage-name->package-name name)))
(if (member name names-to-filter)
(cons (list pkg-name (list 'unquote (string->symbol pkg-name)))
(list-matches dependencies-rx d)))
(fold (lambda (d p) (append (split-at-comma-and-filter d) p)) '() ls))
(define* (dependencies-cond->sexp meta #:key (include-test-dependencies? #t))
"META is the representation of a Cabal file as produced by 'read-cabal'.
Return an S-expression containing the list of dependencies as expected by the
'inputs' field of a package. The generated S-expressions may include
conditionals as defined in the cabal file. During this process we discard the
version information of the packages."
(define (take-dependencies meta)
(let ((key-start-exe (make-regexp "executable"))
(key-start-lib (make-regexp "library"))
(key-start-tests (make-regexp "test-suite"))
(key-end (make-regexp "build-depends")))
(key-start-end->entries meta key-start-exe key-end)
(key-start-end->entries meta key-start-lib key-end)
(if include-test-dependencies?
(key-start-end->entries meta key-start-tests key-end)
(let ((flags (get-flags (pre-process-entries-keys meta)))
(augmented-ghc-std-libs (append (key->values meta "name")
(let loop ((entries (take-dependencies meta))
(result '()))
(if (null? entries)
(reverse result)
(let*-values (((entry) (first entries))
((keys vals rx-cond-result rx-else-result
cond-no else-no key-cond)
(analyze-entry-cond entry)))
((= (+ cond-no else-no) 0)
(loop (cdr entries)
(split-and-filter-dependencies vals
(let-values (((true-group false-group entries)
(group-and-reduce-level entries '()
((cond-final) (eval-cabal-keywords
(last (split-section key-cond)))
(loop entries
((or (eq? cond-final #t) (equal? cond-final '(not #f)))
(append (loop true-group '()) result))
((or (eq? cond-final #f) (equal? cond-final '(not #t)))
(append (loop false-group '()) result))
(let ((true-group-result (loop true-group '()))
(false-group-result (loop false-group '())))
((and (null? true-group-result)
(null? false-group-result))
((null? false-group-result)
(cons `(unquote-splicing
(when ,cond-final ,true-group-result))
((null? true-group-result)
(cons `(unquote-splicing
(unless ,cond-final ,false-group-result))
(cons `(unquote-splicing
(if ,cond-final
;; Part 3:
;; Retrive the desired package and its Cabal file from
;; and construct the Guix package S-expression.
(define (hackage-fetch name-version)
"Return the Cabal file for the package NAME-VERSION, or #f on failure. If
the version part is omitted from the package name, then return the latest
(let*-values (((name version) (package-name->name+version name-version))
(if version
(string-append ""
name "-" version "/" name ".cabal")
(string-append ""
name "/" name ".cabal"))))
(lambda (temp port)
(and (url-fetch url temp)
(call-with-input-file temp read-cabal))))))
(define string->license
;; List of valid values from
;; /cabal/release/cabal-latest/doc/API/Cabal/Distribution-License.html.
("GPL-2" 'gpl2)
("GPL-3" 'gpl3)
("GPL" "'gpl??")
("AGPL-3" 'agpl3)
("AGPL" "'agpl??")
("LGPL-2.1" 'lgpl2.1)
("LGPL-3" 'lgpl3)
("LGPL" "'lgpl??")
("BSD2" 'bsd-2)
("BSD3" 'bsd-3)
("MIT" 'expat)
("ISC" 'isc)
("MPL" 'mpl2.0)
("Apache-2.0" 'asl2.0)
((x) (string->license x))
((lst ...) `(list ,@(map string->license lst)))
(_ #f)))
(define* (hackage-module->sexp meta #:key (include-test-dependencies? #t))
"Return the `package' S-expression for a Cabal package. META is the
representation of a Cabal file as produced by 'read-cabal'."
(define name
(first (key->values meta "name")))
(define version
(first (key->values meta "version")))
(define description
(let*-values (((description) (key->values meta "description"))
((lines last)
(split-at description (- (length description) 1))))
(fold-right (lambda (line seed) (string-append line "\n" seed))
(first last) lines)))
(define source-url
(string-append "" name
"/" name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
;; Several packages do not have an official home-page other than on Hackage.
(define home-page
(let ((home-page-entry (key->values meta "homepage")))
(if (null? home-page-entry)
(string-append "" name)
(first home-page-entry))))
(define (maybe-inputs input-type inputs)
(match inputs
((inputs ...)
(list (list input-type
(list 'quasiquote inputs))))))
(let ((tarball (with-store store
(download-to-store store source-url))))
(name ,(hackage-name->package-name name))
(version ,version)
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append ,@(factorize-uri source-url version)))
,(if tarball
(bytevector->nix-base32-string (file-sha256 tarball))
"failed to download tar archive")))))
(build-system haskell-build-system)
,@(maybe-inputs 'inputs
(dependencies-cond->sexp meta
(home-page ,home-page)
(synopsis ,@(key->values meta "synopsis"))
(description ,description)
(license ,(string->license (key->values meta "license"))))))
(define* (hackage->guix-package module-name
#:key (include-test-dependencies? #t))
"Fetch the Cabal file for PACKAGE-NAME from, and return
the `package' S-expression corresponding to that package, or #f on failure."
(let ((module-meta (hackage-fetch module-name)))
(and=> module-meta (cut hackage-module->sexp <>
;;; cabal.scm ends here

tests/hackage.scm 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2015 Federico Beffa <>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <>.
(define-module (test-hackage)
#:use-module (guix import hackage)
#:use-module (guix tests)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-64)
#:use-module (ice-9 match))
(define test-cabal-1
"name: foo
version: 1.0.0
synopsis: synopsis
description: description
license: BSD3
executable cabal
HTTP >= 4000.2.5 && < 4000.3,
mtl >= 2.0 && < 3
;; Use TABs to indent lines and to separate keys from value.
(define test-cabal-2
"name: foo
version: 1.0.0
synopsis: synopsis
description: description
license: BSD3
executable cabal
build-depends: HTTP >= 4000.2.5 && < 4000.3,
mtl >= 2.0 && < 3
;; Use indentation with comma as found, e.g., in 'haddock-api'.
(define test-cabal-3
"name: foo
version: 1.0.0
synopsis: synopsis
description: description
license: BSD3
executable cabal
HTTP >= 4000.2.5 && < 4000.3
, mtl >= 2.0 && < 3
(define test-cond-1
"(os(darwin) || !(flag(debug))) && flag(cips)")
(define read-cabal
(@@ (guix import hackage) read-cabal))
(define eval-cabal-keywords
(@@ (guix import hackage) eval-cabal-keywords))
(define conditional->sexp-like
(@@ (guix import hackage) conditional->sexp-like))
(test-begin "hackage")
(define (eval-test-with-cabal test-cabal)
((guix import hackage) hackage-fetch
(lambda (name-version)
(call-with-input-string test-cabal
(match (hackage->guix-package "foo")
('name "ghc-foo")
('version "1.0.0")
('method 'url-fetch)
('uri ('string-append
(? string? hash)))))
('build-system 'haskell-build-system)
(("ghc-http" ('unquote 'ghc-http))
("ghc-mtl" ('unquote 'ghc-mtl)))))
('home-page "")
('synopsis (? string?))
('description (? string?))
('license 'bsd-3))
(pk 'fail x #f)))))
(test-assert "hackage->guix-package test 1"
(eval-test-with-cabal test-cabal-1))
(test-assert "hackage->guix-package test 2"
(eval-test-with-cabal test-cabal-2))
(test-assert "hackage->guix-package test 3"
(eval-test-with-cabal test-cabal-3))
(test-assert "conditional->sexp-like"
(conditional->sexp-like test-cond-1)
'(("debug" . "False")))
(('and ('or ('string-match "darwin" ('%current-system)) ('not '#f)) '#t)
(pk 'fail x #f))))
(test-end "hackage")
(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))