From 3c838e6a0c3214d95bf02048cddccfd1b69a679f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip McGrath <>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2022 13:41:56 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] patch s_process for "/bin/sh" on Guix


    1. The nonstandard but ubiquitous macro `_PATH_BSHELL` from
       <paths.h> is defined; and

    2. The path specified by `_PATH_BSHELL` exists;

then `s_process` will call `execl` with the file specified by
`_PATH_BSHELL` instead of "/bin/sh".

Checking that the path specified by `_PATH_BSHELL` exists safeguards
against obscure errors if attempting to use stand-alone executables
built by the patched Racket in non-Guix envoronments.

This patch does not change the behavior of `s_system`, which relies
on `system` from the C library.
 c/prim5.c | 21 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/c/prim5.c b/c/prim5.c
index 5a07893..bc2736c 100644
--- a/c/prim5.c
+++ b/c/prim5.c
@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <math.h>
+/* BEGIN PATCH for Guix */
+#ifndef WIN32
+# include <paths.h>
+/* END PATCH for Guix */
 /* locally defined functions */
 static INT s_errno(void);
 static iptr s_addr_in_heap(uptr x);
@@ -746,6 +752,17 @@ static ptr s_process(char *s, IBOOL stderrp) {
     INT tofds[2], fromfds[2], errfds[2];
     struct sigaction act, oint_act;
+    /* BEGIN PATCH for Guix */
+#if defined(_PATH_BSHELL)
+    struct stat guix_stat_buf;
+    char *guix_sh =
+      (0 == stat(_PATH_BSHELL, &guix_stat_buf))
+      ? _PATH_BSHELL
+      : "/bin/sh";
+#else /* _PATH_BSHELL */
+    char *guix_sh = "/bin/sh";
+    /* END PATCH for Guix */
     if (pipe(tofds)) S_error("process","cannot open pipes");
     if (pipe(fromfds)) {
@@ -771,7 +788,9 @@ static ptr s_process(char *s, IBOOL stderrp) {
         CLOSE(1); if (dup(fromfds[1]) != 1) _exit(1);
         CLOSE(2); if (dup(stderrp ? errfds[1] : 1) != 2) _exit(1);
         {INT i; for (i = 3; i < NOFILE; i++) (void)CLOSE(i);}
-        execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", s, NULL);
+        /* BEGIN PATCH for Guix */
+        execl(guix_sh, guix_sh, "-c", s, NULL);
+        /* END PATCH for Guix */
         _exit(1) /* only if execl fails */;
     } else {

base-commit: 9df56e7b25bc523663eac3da24be33afc5f76c84